I was looking for a second dog, as we already had a French Bulldog. Having had a Shih tzu previous, I know how kind and generous they are.
I went looking in the world wide web, and found Mokka. I contacted Karine by email, and she answered the same evening!
Mooka was still available, and we could come and have a look. I made an appointment with her some days later, as we would have to drive 3 hrs or more.
I came here, and found cute CKC spanier puppies, the parents and little Mooka. All well cared for, a nice family home and Karine was very sweet. Her boyfriend understood and spoke English and Karine understood me as well. I do speak a little french, but feel much more comfortable speaking english.
Karine showed me Mooka and his papers, he had just been groomed and had visited the vet for the last shots. he was a bubbly little ball of fur, and he still is.
We took him home, to meet Motte, the bulldog. She is not used to having other dogs around her, but I trusted her gentle character to accept Mooka very soon.
It took only a day and our dog was playing with Mooka all the time. they now sleep in the same basket, and share the toys. Mooka is perfect for out little family!
The cats ignore him, and accept him.
Thank you Karine!
Un grand merci
Un grand merci pour votre professionnalisme et votre gentillesse !
Très beaux élevages de petits chiots bien soignés et entourés d amour...
Notre petite Molly cavalier King Charles est adorable ...
À très bientôt
Au plaisir de vous rendre visite avec elle
nouvelles de morgane
UN grand merci pour morgane qui s'est très bien intégrée dans la famille et qui illumine notre quotidien. Depuis son arrivée les rires sont encore plus nombreux.